Mediascape is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust, and accordingly maintains the following privacy policy to protect personal information you provide online:
Basic Confidentiality Policy
It is Mediascape’s policy that personal information, such as your name, postal and e-mail address or telephone number, is private and confidential. Accordingly, the personal information you provide is stored in a secure location, is accessible only by designated staff, and is used only for the purposes for which you provide the information (such as to reply to your request for information or products).
No Release of Information to Third Parties
Personal information will not be released to third parties unless by specific request.
No Computer Tracking of Identifiable Information
Our computers are not set up to track, collect or distribute personal information about their visitors. They do recognize the home server of visitors, but not e-mail addresses, except where specified in forms which, after notification and approval, extract return addresses for your convenience. Although we can tell the Internet address, domain or Internet Service Provider our visitors use, we do not attempt to find the names addresses or other information about our visitors that would allow us to identify the particular visitors to our site. The general traffic information we obtain is used only for internal load measurement purposes by Mediascape technical support staff.